Tuesday 3 July 2007

making changes

Oz rides his bicycle to work every day and he has been doing this for a year now.
There were many reasons for that original decision - improving his general health and fitness, reduced impact on the environment and less reliance on a car were all positives to making this choice. I supported him from the start and I've been thinking for awhile that I should be putting 'my money where mouth is' and make more of an effort to do the same.

Now it is my turn. The boys have bought me a bicycle! Not any old bicycle but one that I would be proud to be seen riding(shock horror- I have been converted!). It is specifically built as an urban commuter, perfect for riding to work (or the pub) and on weekends along the many bike trails in our area.

I'm taking up the challenge to only drive to work once a week(if at all) and hope that in twelve months time my fitness has improved as much as Oz's.... we'll see!!!!

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