Sunday 8 July 2007

school holidays

It's school holidays in Melbourne and I have had a week off work. A week to spend with Frothy,Oz, my family and friends. I go back to work tomorrow, physically tired but mentally refreshed. I've spent a couple of quiet days with my boys and managed to see a few good friends. Frothy and I also had dinner with my parents after spending a great day with my sister and her girls.

Unfortunately I don't spend much time with my sister, we both have very full and busy lives. This usually leaves little time just to catch up to have a chat, but on Friday we took our children to Scienceworks. It was one of the most enjoyable days I've had in a long time. Our children had a lot of fun together exploring the many interactive displays and just spending time with each other without the grown ups looking over their shoulders.

I look back at the days and hope to be fortunate enough to have many more like them.

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