Tuesday 31 July 2007

consuming the future

Do you think we can change the way we live?

As a society, we have a voracious appetite for the newest, biggest,brightest, loudest. Throw away the old one(whatever condition it may be in) and replace it without thought.
Our status in the world indeed seems to be only determined by what we own (or appear to own thanks to large personal debt), who we know and what schools our children attend.

As a young adult, I knew that this wasn't right, but didn't change my life to reflect these thoughts. I'm sure I didn't want to appear to be different than the people around me that I called friends.

Times have changed and my slightly odd, environmentally conscious views are now those of the mainstream. These opinions, if not actually practised, are at least considered by many on a daily basis. There is hope that we will question what we do before it's too late for all of us.

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