Thursday 28 June 2007

red is best ?

Oz was planning a cycling weekend with friends and(being a good wife and all that) I offered to drive the support vehicle. Our son, Frothy decided to stay at a friends house that weekend, his only comment was 'I'm not going to hang around with those(you) crazy grown-ups!' This left me childless for a whole 24 hours, how exciting!!

Saturday arrived with clearing skies(early fog)this is winter in Melbourne. Suprisingly everyone turned up at the meeting point on time, a challenge for a group of people coming from all over. We loaded two support vehicles with some luggage and a sizable amount of food. The third vehicle was turned into a moving esky,soley for the transportation of an even larger amount of alcohol. Hopefully our livers were going to survive the weekend.

A short stop for morning tea(beer), a lunch stop at Launching Place (more beer for those not driving) and then on to our destination, Warburton.
Mrs G and I unpacked the worst of our luggage and left the cars at the caravan park so the others could get organised when they arrived (after another pub stop). We decided to walk into town for afternoon tea.

Replenished, we returned to find the group unpacked,showered and ready to party(suprise suprise), the new drink of choice was now red wine. We thought it was time to join in!!!
Dinner was at the local hotel where Oz and Dale(Mr G) serenaded the locals with songs better left at the camp fire. Back to the cabins for after dinner drinks(more red) and sleep?(constant snoring from several very inebriated individuals).

No suprise Sunday was a very subdued affair, much quieter than the day before!

I have almost recovered and a week later, I managed a glass of belgium beer
for second breakfast (definitely another story). Maybe a glass of red with dinner?

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