Sunday 27 May 2007

Grumpy old ......

People appear in your life in many shapes and sizes, differing opinions and orientations. I believe that every person can add something to your life in some form or another.

I work with people all day within a small community and this theory has been proven time and again, often by only a few words uttered between 'Good Morning' and 'See you next week'.

After nearly twenty years no-one has been able to disprove my pet theory - until recently.
I will spare you you the details, there is little to say, except that I have never met anyone that I wanted to scream 'do something,anything!!!!!!' to before.Maybe my theory should be expanded to include that there a few people are here only to infuriate, annoy and frustrate others.

As I tested my new theory, my husband in his eternal wisdom, said only ' why do you think I call you a grumpy old ...'

See we have all learnt something today.............

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