Monday 7 May 2007

Small things

For me, and probably for all of us, it's the little things in life that leave a lasting impression.
A smile, a 'hello', a 'good morning' is all that is often needed to make someone feel better.

Courteous gestures are now the stuff of legends, vaguely recalled from the dim dark past
(generation ME has now matured into adulthood) and the words 'please' and 'thank you' have also reached mythical status.
Vainly we (some parents) are trying to teach the newer generation some old-fashioned values, to have manners and to understand that in addition to 'I' and 'me' there is also 'we' and 'us' and 'you'.

Yesterday was an example of the majority believing in 'I' rather than 'we'. Frothy's school was having a working bee, just a general tidy up to make the school look it's best for Open Day. Nothing on the list of chores was difficult, a couple of hours of help was all that was required to make a real difference.

Most parents obviously didn't think beyond 'its Sunday' because only the usual suspects appeared to help - yet again.

We were there for about four hours(including an excellent morning tea) enjoying the work together, proving that although we are declining in numbers, some still understand that there is something greater than themselves.

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