Wednesday 18 April 2007

The world according to the Froth Monster

Let me introduce a major influence on my dyslexia - my son - who henceforth shall be known as Froth Monster.

The Froth Monster is so named for his emergence from a bubble bath one day looking like some previously undiscovered creature. Very pleased with himself, big toothless grin spread fom ear to ear, bright blue eyes shining with laughter.

Seven now, teeth now, faded blue eyes, the laughter of madman in training and a lopsided sense of humour. He has the uncanny ability to infuriate, suprise and delight at any given moment, often all three simultaneously driving both me and my husband to distraction.

Yesterday when we discussed school lunchbox options, his directions were very precise -" a small container of tiny teddy biscuits, not a medium one like today, I don't need that many extras(read junk food), two pieces of fruit and a wrap with exactly the same things in it ...........please" This is the way of the Froth Monster.

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