Thursday 26 April 2007


Do we ever get it right?

What do you include in your life?

Family, friends, work are the first that come to my mind.The environment, good health, cooking, books, gardening, fabric, sewing and a good bottle of wine (I almost forgot!!!) are other items which must be added to my compilation. (As I write, I know there is something missing, a dark shadow looming at the edge of my thoughts........)

In the vain hope of attaining domestic bliss, five different monthly meetings (work and committees) little athletics (summer months) volunteer work(which I still do occasionally) more work whenever they rang(often early morning) have recently been deleted from the 'have to do' list on a regular basis. I am also looking for a new job that will a better fit into my refurbished life.

Unexpected disturbances(read child husband etc.) will impede this latest attempt to have any control but I am learning to say no......


Suddenly the darkness takes shape, briefly forgotten, never finished and the bane of my domestic life, housework. Maybe tomorrow it will go away.

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