Saturday 21 April 2007


Saturdays forecast: cloud increasing chance of thunderstorms 16-21

The bureau of meteorology has forgotten the R word. You won't actually see that word in print anymore on their website.
Maybe they don't for the fear of being engulfed in abuse or maybe they don't want to raise our hopes anymore. Either way, I don't think anyone in Melbourne would actually believe them.We have been disappointed too many times, like a small child who no longer believes everything their parent says.

It's been awhile since we have seen anything vaguely resembling the R word and now we have little water and less hope that our gardens will survive after another dry winter. Lawns have long died off and only the truly obsessed has planted any annuals (petunias etc) in the last year.

This is only a small symptom of a greater problem, we have been in drought for many years now. Even now as the most naive become aware, the federal and state governments are sticking their heads in the sand (which will be all we'll have left soon) and doing little as possible except squabble amongst themselves.Drought has an ever expanding impact on all aspects of our lives.

We may be living in 'The Lucky Country' but we certainly having haven't been looking after it.

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