Tuesday 31 July 2007

consuming the future

Do you think we can change the way we live?

As a society, we have a voracious appetite for the newest, biggest,brightest, loudest. Throw away the old one(whatever condition it may be in) and replace it without thought.
Our status in the world indeed seems to be only determined by what we own (or appear to own thanks to large personal debt), who we know and what schools our children attend.

As a young adult, I knew that this wasn't right, but didn't change my life to reflect these thoughts. I'm sure I didn't want to appear to be different than the people around me that I called friends.

Times have changed and my slightly odd, environmentally conscious views are now those of the mainstream. These opinions, if not actually practised, are at least considered by many on a daily basis. There is hope that we will question what we do before it's too late for all of us.

Sunday 8 July 2007

school holidays

It's school holidays in Melbourne and I have had a week off work. A week to spend with Frothy,Oz, my family and friends. I go back to work tomorrow, physically tired but mentally refreshed. I've spent a couple of quiet days with my boys and managed to see a few good friends. Frothy and I also had dinner with my parents after spending a great day with my sister and her girls.

Unfortunately I don't spend much time with my sister, we both have very full and busy lives. This usually leaves little time just to catch up to have a chat, but on Friday we took our children to Scienceworks. It was one of the most enjoyable days I've had in a long time. Our children had a lot of fun together exploring the many interactive displays and just spending time with each other without the grown ups looking over their shoulders.

I look back at the days and hope to be fortunate enough to have many more like them.

Tuesday 3 July 2007

making changes

Oz rides his bicycle to work every day and he has been doing this for a year now.
There were many reasons for that original decision - improving his general health and fitness, reduced impact on the environment and less reliance on a car were all positives to making this choice. I supported him from the start and I've been thinking for awhile that I should be putting 'my money where mouth is' and make more of an effort to do the same.

Now it is my turn. The boys have bought me a bicycle! Not any old bicycle but one that I would be proud to be seen riding(shock horror- I have been converted!). It is specifically built as an urban commuter, perfect for riding to work (or the pub) and on weekends along the many bike trails in our area.

I'm taking up the challenge to only drive to work once a week(if at all) and hope that in twelve months time my fitness has improved as much as Oz's.... we'll see!!!!