Sunday 27 May 2007

Grumpy old ......

People appear in your life in many shapes and sizes, differing opinions and orientations. I believe that every person can add something to your life in some form or another.

I work with people all day within a small community and this theory has been proven time and again, often by only a few words uttered between 'Good Morning' and 'See you next week'.

After nearly twenty years no-one has been able to disprove my pet theory - until recently.
I will spare you you the details, there is little to say, except that I have never met anyone that I wanted to scream 'do something,anything!!!!!!' to before.Maybe my theory should be expanded to include that there a few people are here only to infuriate, annoy and frustrate others.

As I tested my new theory, my husband in his eternal wisdom, said only ' why do you think I call you a grumpy old ...'

See we have all learnt something today.............

Saturday 26 May 2007

New friends?

I sit here, with the roar of conversation all around, these are my husbands friends not (yet) mine.

Discussions of many things take place, again proving that (just about) everyone has something worth listening to if you take the time. The ride, the accident,the purchase of new bikes, and the planned weekend away are all examined over the first cups of coffee.

As the breakfast continues the noise reduces to a pleasant hum and the topics shift to the more intimate ones of marriage, relationships, children and friends. These conversations take place quietly, generally with kindness and sympathy.

I am glad that I made the effort to be here today.

Monday 21 May 2007

a dog's day

I have a dog, an old grey smelly dog.

He is gentle and kind and quiet.

A comfortable place to sleep, someone to sit near and the occasional treat is all that is needed to make him happy. Gone are the days of persecuting our two cats or running around the backyard all day or barking at crows.

He is asleep at my feet now, content in his old age, just to wait for dinner.

Sunday 13 May 2007

A good day for Mums

Today is Mothers Day, and in years past, this was a day to celebrate motherhood (and all that implies). A day simply to remind us to say 'thank you' to our mums.

As with all special days found on our calendar, it has now become a mixture of rampant consumerism and commercially driven guilt. Bigger is better, the larger and more expensive present seems to be what is important.

I think that for most mums what they really want is someone to genuinely and sincerely say 'I love you', once in a while.........

.........and maybe not just on Mothers Day.

Thursday 10 May 2007

Anothers view

People's lives are rarely what they appear to be, more below than what can be seen on the surface. In some people you hope there is more to the person than the obvious, with others you wonder how they manage on a day-to-day basis.We all re-invent and dilute our memories, to reduce or remove the impact of certain events, but at what cost?

Today we visited my mum, to have afternoon tea and to give her a small Mothers Day gift. She was very suprised and pleased to see us. She looked very unwell, was extremely vague almost disorientated. She had forgotten the arrangements I had made with her on Thursday.

It was heartbreaking to sit there, watching her and listening to her stories, all the time wondering how many times she had reconstructed the past to make the present livable.
I can never truly understand my mum's view of her world, all I know is that she has often been sad,disappointed and isolated within her lifetime.

I don't want the same for me.

Monday 7 May 2007

Small things

For me, and probably for all of us, it's the little things in life that leave a lasting impression.
A smile, a 'hello', a 'good morning' is all that is often needed to make someone feel better.

Courteous gestures are now the stuff of legends, vaguely recalled from the dim dark past
(generation ME has now matured into adulthood) and the words 'please' and 'thank you' have also reached mythical status.
Vainly we (some parents) are trying to teach the newer generation some old-fashioned values, to have manners and to understand that in addition to 'I' and 'me' there is also 'we' and 'us' and 'you'.

Yesterday was an example of the majority believing in 'I' rather than 'we'. Frothy's school was having a working bee, just a general tidy up to make the school look it's best for Open Day. Nothing on the list of chores was difficult, a couple of hours of help was all that was required to make a real difference.

Most parents obviously didn't think beyond 'its Sunday' because only the usual suspects appeared to help - yet again.

We were there for about four hours(including an excellent morning tea) enjoying the work together, proving that although we are declining in numbers, some still understand that there is something greater than themselves.

Tuesday 1 May 2007

A village life

Another Monday, another full day at work.

Menial work
Smile on cue
Remember names
Hope they are well